在机上眼罩一带,再让彤彤守在一旁,基本上整整叁个小时你睡得颇为安稳,一点都没被打扰到。 “Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain speaking. We expect to land at F City in 30 minutes. The estimated time of arrival will be 7 pm. The local time now is 6:30 pm and the ground temperature is 34 degrees Celsius. Please fasten your seat belt. I would like to thank you for flying with us, I do hope you have enjoyed your flight, thank you. 各位旅客您好,这是来自机长的广播,班机预计在30分鐘之后降落在F 城,预计抵达的时间为晚上七点,现在当地时间是晚间6 点30 分,地面气温为摄氏34 度。请您系好安全带准备降落。非常感谢您今日的搭乘,祝您有个愉快的一天。”机长广播此时响了起来。 “姐,起床了!”彤彤摇醒正在熟睡的你。 “呜呜……”你鸣咽出声,慢慢地睁开眼睛。 自从踏入演艺圈之后,你搭飞机基本上坐的不是头等舱就是商务舱,比起经济舱的拥挤来说,商务舱的椅子好睡多了。 不得不说,这叁个小时的小憩对于疲累的你来说起到很好的休息作用。 有休息果然有差,精神至少好上一大半。 彤彤:“等等我们要不要先去吃东西再回饭店啊!” 你摇头,“行李太多了,到饭店叫个外卖吧!” 又过了将近20 分鐘,机上广播又响了。 “Ladies and gentlemen, our plane is descending now. Please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Seat backs and tables should be returned to the upright position. All personal puters and electronic devices should be turned off. We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing. Thank you. 女士们、先生们,飞机现在正在下降。请各位务必回原位坐好,并系好安全带,收起小桌板,将座椅靠m.wEdAlIan.com