lesson 06 经济状况 economic situation 01 some experts are worried about the current economic situation. 一些专家对当今的经济状况感到担忧。 词组释义 be worried about 担忧,烦恼,担心 02 the current economic situation is encouraging. 当前经济形式一片大好。 类似表达 a good situation is prevailing in current economy. / the current economic situation is a bed of roses. / the current economic situation seems golden. / as to the current economic situation, it's fine. 03 the current economic situation is always changeable. 当前经济形势总是风云变幻。 单词释义 changeable [?t?e?ndbl] adj. 常变化的,易变的,多变的,很可能变化的 04 as to the stock, it has hit a record low. 至于股票,都已经跌到历史最低了。 单词释义 stock [st?k] n. 股份,股票,库存 05 due to economic downturn, tens of thousands of people lost their jobs. 由于经济衰退,成千上万的人都失业了。 类似表达 due to economic crisis, tens of thousands of people are out of work. / due to economic downturn, many people are in dry dock. / due to economic downturn, tens of thousands of people are unemployed. 06 the economical crisis has brought aboutm.WeDALIAN.coM