lesson 16 婚礼 wedding 01 it will be a holy church wedding. 那将是一场神圣的教堂式婚礼。 单词释义 holy [?hl?] adj. 神圣的,圣洁的 02 all the friends could hear her wedding bells. 所有的朋友都能听到她婚礼的钟声。 词组释义 wedding bells 婚礼之钟,婚礼钟声 03 i haven't informed him of the date of my wedding banquet. 我还没通知他我的喜宴日期。 词组释义 inform sb of sth 告知某人某事 04 my ladybro asked me to be the bridesmaid at her wedding. 我的闺蜜邀请我在她的婚礼上担任伴娘。 单词释义 bridesmaid [?bra?dzme?d] n. 伴娘,女傧相 05 mr. thomas will hold a perfect wedding for his beloved daughter. 托马斯先生将给他心爱的女儿举办一场完美的婚礼。 词组释义 hold a wedding 举办一场婚礼 06 the couple decided that their wedding should be a very low-key affair. 那对夫妇决定低调举行他们的婚礼。 单词释义 low-key [?l?ki:] adj. 低调的,抑制的 07 nate will attend the wedding of his best friend and serve as the best man. 内特将出席他最好朋友的婚礼并担任伴郎。 词组释义 serve as 担当,担任 08 anna has been immersed in planning her nuptials. 安娜一门心思筹备自己的婚礼。 单词释义 nuptial [?n?p?l] n. 婚礼 09 rita was totally flustered on the eve of her wedding. 婚礼前夜,丽塔的心情十分慌张。 词组释义 on the eve of 在……的前夜 10 at the wedding ceremony, the father of the bride symbolically gives his daughter to the groom. 在结婚典礼上,新娘的父亲象征性地把女儿交给新郎。 单词释义 symbolically [s?m'b?l?kl?] adv. 象征性地 11 how is your wedding plan going? 你们的婚礼筹备得怎么样了? 类似表达 how are you getting on with your wedding preparation? 12 you must look very beautiful on your wedding day. 你在举办婚礼那天一定会很漂亮。 词组释义 wedding day 举行婚礼的日子,结婚纪念日 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M.WEdAliaN.com