lesson 05 羞愧 shame 01 i'm really ashamed of myself. 我真为自己感到羞愧。 词组释义 be ashamed of 为……感到羞耻 02 shame on you! 你真丢脸! 类似表达 you should be ashamed! / you are an embarrassment. / your behavior is unacceptable! 03 i've been told that i disgraced myself. 人们都说我丢脸了。 单词释义 disgrace [d?s?gre?s] vt. 使丢脸 04 how shameful! 恬不知耻! 类似表达 it's very shameful! / it's quite a shameful story! / have you no shame? 05 you should have tucked your tail then! 你当时真该感到羞耻! 词组释义 tuck one's tail 夹起尾巴,感到羞愧 06 he is abashed at what he has done. 他对自己所做的事感到羞愧难当。 词组释义 be abashed at 对……感到羞愧,为……局促不安 07 she really lost all sense of shame. 她真不知羞耻。 类似表达 she had no shame. / she was really dead to shame. 08 lily blushed to the roots of her hair. 莉莉极度羞愧。 单词释义 blush [bl] vi. 惭愧,脸红,害臊 09 she felt an onrush of shame. 她感到一阵羞愧袭上心头。 类似表达 an onrush of shame swept over her. 10 i really blush for his degraded conduct. 我为他的卑劣行为而感到羞愧。 单词释义 degraded [d?'gre?d?d] adj. 被降级的,堕落的,退化的 11 the little girl's cheeks were burning with shame. 那个小女孩的脸颊因为羞愧而发m.WeDAlIAn.cOM