ded. 莉迪亚很容易生气。 类似表达 lydia is quite easily excited to anger. / lydia has a low boiling point. / lydia is very easy to get angry. 13 don't talk back to me! 别和我顶嘴! 词组释义 talk back to sb 和某人顶嘴 14 don't give me any lip service! 别给我开空头支票! 类似表达 don't give me any lip! / don't give me any empty promise. 15 how impudent you are to say such a thing! 你竟有脸说这种事! 单词释义 impudent [mpj?d?nt] adj. 厚颜无耻的,无礼的,粗鲁的 16 you're making fun of me! 你拿我开涮呢! 类似表达 are you trying to make a fool out of me? / you're teasing me! 17 don't be a back seat driver. 别指手划脚的! 注意事项 back seat driver 从字面上理解的话,说的是坐在汽车后座上指点司机如何开车的人,多用来指爱指挥别人的人。这句话跟don't tell me what i should do.意思差不多。 18 i don't want to hear any more of your lies. 我不想再听你说谎话。 类似表达 i'm fed up with your lies. / i don't want to hear your bull. 19 it's none of your business. 没你的事!/少管闲事! 类似表达 mind your own business. / it doesn't concern you. / i don't need your two cents. 20 what on earth have you done? 看看你究竟做了些什么! 类似表达 just look at what you've done! note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.wEdAliAN.coM