lesson 13 游泳 swimming 01 do you want to swim? 你想去游泳吗? 类似表达 would you like to swim? / do you feel like going swimming? 02 how many styles of swimming do you know? 你知道哪些游泳的姿势? 语法提要 style当名词表示“风格,类型”的时候,属于可数名词,其疑问词要用how many,而不能用how much。 03 swimming could help you increase vital capacity. 游泳可以增强你的肺活量。 词组释义 vital capacity 肺活量 04 butterfly stroke is difficult to learn. 蝶泳是很难学的。 类似表达 it's difficult to learn butterfly stroke 05 it's a good time to go to swim in summer. 夏天是游泳的好时机。 语法提要 it's time to do sth表示“是时候做某事,做某事的时候到了”,在time前加形容词是对时间的修饰,it's good time to do sth表示“是做某事的好时机”。 06 to learn how to inhale and exhale is important. 学会如何吸气和呼气是很重要的。 单词释义 inhale [?n?he?l] . 吸气,吸入 exhale [eks?he?l] vt. 呼气,使蒸发 vi. 呼气,放出 07 swimming attracts me a lot. 游泳很吸引我。 单词释义 attract [tr?kt] vt. 吸引,引起……的好感 vi. 引人注意,有吸引力 08 can you teach me how to swim? 你能教我如何游泳吗? 类似表达 can you show me how to swim? / would you mind teaching me how to swim? 09 i never thought to be a swimmer, though i love it very much. 尽管我非常喜欢游泳,但我从没想过要成为一名游泳选手。 语法提要 never表示“绝不,从未”,当它位于句首的时候,句子要使用部分倒装。如never have i heard such music. 我从来没有听过这样的音乐。 10 are you interested in swimming? 你对游泳感兴趣吗? 类似表达 do you have any interest in swimming? / does swimming interest you? note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________M.WedALiAN.cOm