lesson 12 旅行社 travel agency 01 what can i do for you? 我能为您做点什么? 注意事项 这句话为销售或服务人员对顾客说的话,类似的表达还有:may i help you? / something i can do for you? 等。 02 can you offer me a discount? 你能给我打个折吗? 类似表达 can i get a discount? / can you cut down the fee for me? / give me a discount, ok? 03 can you give me a tour brochure? 你能给我一本旅行手册吗? 单词释义 brochure [?br(r)] n. 手册,宣传册,小册子 04 are there any tours to europe recently? 最近有到欧洲的旅行团吗? 类似表达 do you have any tours to europe these days? 05 our prices are rock bottom among all the travel agencies. 我们的价格是所有旅行社中最低的。 词组释义 rock bottom 最低价 06 the tour fare is beyond my paying ability. 旅行团的费用超出了我的支付能力。 词组释义 paying ability 支付能力 07 how are you going to pay, cash or charge? 您要怎么付款,现金还是刷卡? 注意事项 此句是销售人员征询顾客的意愿,询问顾客要选择哪种付款方式。 08 sorry, you can't use your check here. 抱歉,在这儿您不能使用支票。 语法提要 一般来说地点名词前要加介词,但here是地点副词,所以前面不用加介词;常见的还有there和home。 09 could you give me a receipt? 你能给我开一张发票吗? 单词释义 receipt [r?'si:t] n.发票,收据 10 i suggest you finding a reputable travel agency. 我建议你找一家信誉好的旅行社。 单词释义 reputable [?repj?t?bl] adj. 值得尊敬的,声誉好的 11 some tours would force tourists to buy goods in the designated shop. 一些旅游团会强制游客在定点商店买东西。 词组释义 force sb to do M.WeDAliAN.cOM