lesson 10 留学 studying abroad 01 could you tell me where i can apply for a new visa? 你能告诉我去哪儿补办签证吗? 单词释义 visa [?vi:z?] n. 签证 02 kate wants to apply a graduate school in america. 凯特想申请美国的研究生学院。 词组释义 graduate school 研究所,研究院 03 studying abroad can offer you a new and different perspective of the world. 在国外学习能让你对整个世界有一种全新的认识。 单词释义 perspective [pspekt?v] n. 看法,观点,洞察力 04 she will have an interview with the visa official tomorrow. 明天办理签证的官员要对她进行面试。 词组释义 have an interview with 与……面谈,面试 05 how much was the application fee for applying for the graduate school? 申请研究生院的费用是多少? 单词释义 fee [fi:] n. 收费,费用,酬金 06 the consular officer will ask you a couple of questions. 面谈官会问你几个问题。 词组释义 consular officer 签证官,领事官员 07 please fill in the personal information form. 请填写个人信息表。 类似表达 you are required to fill out the personal information form. / you ought to fill in the personal information form. 08 we can ensure the high efficiency in finishing the materials of clients'application. 我们保证能高效地完成客户的申请材料。 单词释义 efficiency [?'fns?] n. 效率,能力,效能 09 have you ever received any training on application for studying abroad? 你接受过任何留学申请方面的培训吗? 类似表达 have you received any training on overseas university application? 10 please show me your passport, temporary residence certificate and application form. 请出示你的护照、暂住证和签证申请表。 词组释义 temporary residence certificateM.WedAlian.COM