unit 03 学校教育 education lesson 01 在图书馆 in the library 01 i'd like to apply for a library card. 我想办张图书卡。 词组释义 apply for 申请,请求 02 you need to pay a deposit at first. 你需要先交押金。 单词释义 deposit [d?'p?z?t] n. 保证金,押金,定金 03 please show me your library card. 请出示你的图书卡。 类似表达 your library card, please. / let me have your library card. / please give me your library card. / please give your library card to me. 04 excuse me, could you tell me where i can find the great gatsby ? 打扰了,你能告诉我在哪里能找到《了不起的盖茨比》吗? 语法提要 句中could you tell me 后面跟的是以where做引导词的宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序。 05 sorry. the items in this room are not for circulation. 抱歉。本室的资料不外借。 词组释义 be not for circulation 不外借 06 you can check out books with your library card. 你可以凭借图书卡借书。 类似表达 you may borrow books just showing your library card. / you can borrow books with your library card. 07 could you help me to fetch that book? 你能帮我去取那本书吗? 单词释义 fetch [fet?] vt. 去拿(来),售得(什么价格) vi. 抵达,取来 08 we have a superb library with a lot of useful books in our campus. 我们学校有一个极好的图书馆,里面有很多有用的书籍。 单词释义 superb [su:?p?:b] adj. 极好的,宏伟的,一流的 09 students are not supposed to talk in the library. 学生在图书馆里不许说话。 类似表达 you are required to maintain silence in the library. / students are not allowed to talk in the library. / students are forbidden to speak in the library. 10 sorry, the book you are looking for has been checked outm.WEdAlIan.COm