formalities. 对我来说,办理搬家手续并不容易。 语法提要 formality表示“正式手续”,其复数形式是formalities,把y变i加-es。 11 i have to move for my new job. 为了我的新工作,我不得不搬家。 词组释义 have to 不得不,不得已,必须 12 we just moved here, so i want to buy some plates and forks. 我们刚刚搬过来,所以我想买一些盘子和叉子。 单词释义 plate [ple?t] n. 盘子 fork [f?:k] n. 餐叉 13 i am tired of moving around. 我讨厌到处搬家。 词组释义 be tired of 对……感到厌烦,厌倦 14 generally speaking, most people are reluctant to move house. 一般来说,大多数人是不愿意搬家的。 词组释义 generally speaking 一般来说,一般而言 be reluctant to 勉强做某事 15 we really hate to move and leave such a nice neighbor like you. 我们真的不愿意搬家,离开像你这么好的邻居。 注意事项 这句话常常用于在自己要搬家之前,与关系融洽的邻居道别时表达自己的不舍之情。 16 i couldn't afford the rent, so i have to move out. 我付不起房租了, 所以必须得搬走。 词组释义 move out 搬出,搬走 17 we can set about moving house this weekend. 我们这个周末就可以着手开始搬家了。 词组释义 set about 着手开始做 18 i changed my mind and i would not move. 我改变主意,不搬家了。 词组释义 change one's mind 改变主意,变卦 note ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________m.wEDAliAn.COM